ELD - English Language Development
Course Offerings
Course Code: #ZZ1650
Length: Year
Credits: 10
High School Subject Area: Elective
UC Subject Area: None
Prerequisites: None.
META is a class for English learners and former English language learners who are committed to working hard for success in school. This tutorial class will provide support for mainstream academic classes and further develop study skills and English language skills. The class will include study skills and college & career lessons as well as time to do homework with help from teaching assistants, a bilingual aide, and the teacher.
ELD GRAMMAR 1- Grades 9-12
Course Code: #AA1611
Length: Year
Credits: 10
High School Subject Area: Elective
UC Subject Area: None
Prerequisites: None
ELD classes are for students who continue to take the ELPAC assessment due to languages other than English spoken at home. These courses are also available to foreign exchange students who would benefit from language development. In these classes, students study English grammar, reading, speaking and writing short essays. Work is designed to specifically address each student at their own level of English. This class is similar to a workshop, and homework is rarely assigned.
ELD GRAMMAR 2 - Grades 9-12
Course Code: #AA1612
Length: Year
Credits: 10
High School Subject Area: Elective
UC Subject Area: None
Prerequisites: None
ELD classes are for students who continue to take the ELPAC assessment due to languages other than English spoken at home. These courses are also available to foreign exchange students who would benefit from language development. In these classes, students study English grammar, reading, speaking and short essay writing. Work is designed to specifically address each student at their own level of English. This class is similar to a workshop, and homework is rarely assigned.