Redwood Trees

Work-Based Learning

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Your Free Career Test Logo

Your Free Career Test is an assessment to help you discover your career interests and your ideal career work environment. 

Take an assessment to see what you might be interested in pursuing! 

California Career Zone Logo

California Career Zone is a portal run by the State of California intended to help workers prepare for and find their next career.

Career One Stop Logo

Career One Stop is a website operated by the US Department of Labor to help workers find resources, and search for jobs.

Jung Typology Test Graphic

This free personality test is based on Carl Jung's and Isabel Briggs Myers' typological approach to personality. Discover your personality type.

100+ Jobs Logo

100+ Jobs is a website run by a group of California Community Colleges, and focuses on jobs related to clean energy and Climate Change, especially in areas related to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Culinary Arts.

Career and Technical Education Foundation Logo

The Career and Technical Education Foundation is a group dedicated to highlighting local professionals in and around Sonoma County. See who is working where, in the area, and hear candid interviews on how they got there!

JobsMadeReal Logo

JobsMadeReal, run by Chop's Teen Club of Santa Rosa, is an organization dedicated to introducing local teens to jobs in their area by showing interviews from people in those roles


"Gladeo is an inclusive, next-generation career navigation platform for the future of work. We are a public benefit corporation building a more inclusive, equitable and prepared workforce of the future by providing high-quality, culturally-responsive career guidance to anyone, anywhere."

EdgeFactor Logo

"(Edge Factor uses) the power of cinematic storytelling to take students and people on a journey from "I have no idea what I want to do with my life" to discovering industries, careers, CTE/ SHSM and postsecondary programs, Soft Skills, STEAM and local opportunities.  Since our first film, we have produced thousands of videos and interactive activities that highlight every industry and deliver these tools through our platform."

Laguna card

Please email me to discuss work-based learning opportunities:

Redwood Trees