This year Andy Delmonte, former choir director, Walt Hays along with Brian Miller and two students came to campus Sunday 11/19 and spent most of the day setting up this year's holiday light show.
The show involves choir and band music from our student body choreographed with an over 2000 LED light show across the front of the main building. The show runs about 30 minutes on repeat from 5:30 to about 8:30 every night through January 1. It started the day after Thanksgiving. You can listen to the show via the outdoor speakers or if it's raining or too cold to be outside, you can listen via FM radio.
This year's show features great songs from the past two years along with a new choir song (Glow, featuring our very own Anita Sandwina with our choirs) and a new band song.
I hope you get a chance to come out and catch the show between now and new years. Bring some hot chocolate, camping chairs, and a warm blanket or as I said, watch it from a car. It's a kick!
A few short video clips are attached below. Hope you enjoy it.

Analy Light Show
October 5, 2023