The Sebastopol FFA Grapevine Pruning CDE Team consists of 6 students this year: Camila De Loza Sanchez, Lauren Brady, Jacob Cortes Sanchez, Shellie Hance, Iyla Kjaer, and Jesus Martinez Diaz. These students have worked hard since the last week of November to perfect their hands-on pruning skills and learn the ins and outs of the viticulture industry.
Earlier this month, our team competed in the California FFA State Finals Competition in Fresno, California. In California, each chapter can only have four students represent their program at each state finals contest. Lauren, Jacob, Shellie, and Jesus were selected to compete this year.
Our team was 3rd in the state and placed in every sub-division category. We won 3rd in Cordon Wine Grape Pruning, 3rd in Cordon Table Grape Pruning, 5th in Cane Raisin Grape Pruning, and 6th in the Exam.
Even more exciting - the 2024 State Champion Pruner is our own Shellie Hance (pictured below)! Congratulations to Shellie for winning 1st High Individual Overall in the entire contest! Shellie was also 2nd in Cordon Table, 5th in Cordon Wine, 10th in Cane Raisin, and 16th in the Exam.
Jesus Martinez Diaz had an incredible contest, too! In back-to-back years, Jesus won 3rd High Individual Overall in the competition. He was 1st in Cordon Wine, 3rd in Cane Raisin, 17th in Cordon Table, and 17th in the Exam.
This was Lauren and Jacob's first year on the pruning team, and they represented well. Lauren won 6th place in Cordon Table, and Jacob won 15th in Cordon Wine.